FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
In which province is CEİD Office located? Are there/will be offices in other provinces?

The CEİD has its office in Ankara and there is no plan to launch sub-offices in other provinces. The organization, however, is active in various provinces with its local coordinators posted under projects. Click for detailed information about project provinces and local coordinators. click .

How can I be a CEİD member?

You can communicate your membership request and your motive to the address cinsiyetesitligiizlemedernegi@gmail.com.

Is it possible to apply to CEİD for internship?

We would like to be in contact with you in case of a need if you can mail us your cv, communication details and whether internship is a must in the institution you are receiving your education.

I want to submit a job application to CEİD, what is the procedure?

We use our websites, social media accounts and various portals for recruitments to our association and projects. However, you may still share your CV with us by e-mail to be considered for future positions.

What is gender-sensitive rights-based monitoring?

Rights-based monitoring is an activity carried out to protect, advance and strengthen human rights and to prevent violations in this field. Rights-based monitoring contributes to combat against gender inequality in all spheres of life, strengthens participatory democracy by enabling civil society organizations to assess public policies and services, and paves the way to more effective conduct of advocacy activities by making violations of rights visible.

Why gender equality monitoring?

Gender Equality (GE) that means all enjoying equal rights and opportunities without any distinction with respect to gender is a fundamental human right protected by international conventions. In almost all spheres of life, women cannot enjoy some fundamental rights as men can and face gender-based discrimination throughout their life. Combat against gender-based discrimination requires the identification of areas where there is gender-based discrimination, analysis of the present state in regard to this, production and reporting of gender-sensitive data and indicators and gender-sensitive rights-based monitoring in the light of this information that enables appropriate policy development.

In which period will the CEİDizler Project Phase III be implemented?

The duration of the CEİDizler Project Phase III is for 42 months. Launched on 1 September 2023, the project will be completed on 28 February 2027.

In which provinces will the CEİDizler Project be implemented?

CEİD-İzler Project will be implemented in Adana, Ankara, Bursa, Eskişehir, Gaziantep, Hatay, İstanbul, İzmir, Mersin, Samsun and Trabzon provinces.

What project target groups are there?
  • Local Gender Equality Monitoring Platforms
  • CSOs engaged in gender equality rights-based activities,
  • Academics and academic units of universities working on gender issues,
  • Professional organizations with public benefit status,
  • Municipalities and local gender equality units,
  • Gender equality related units and experts of trade unions.
In which provinces are there Local Gender Equality Monitoring Platforms?

Local Gender Equality Monitoring Platforms were created in Adana, Ankara, Gaziantep, Kars, İstanbul, İzmir and Trabzon provinces under the “Enhancement of Participatory Democracy in Turkey: Gender Equality Monitoring Project” implemented by the Association for Monitoring Gender Equality (CEİD) in the period 1 March 2017 – 28 February 2019 with the direct grant support of the EU as a part of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA). Under the CEİDizler Project which were implemented January 2020-December 2022, Local Gender Equality Monitoring Platforms in Eskişehir, Mersin and Samsun were created. Under the CEİDizler Project Phase III launched in September 2023, there will be Local Gender Equality Monitoring Platforms in Bursa and Hatay as well.

Who are the components of Local Gender Equality Monitoring Platform?

The Local Gender Equality Monitoring Platforms comprise project target groups which are civil society organizations engaged in gender equality and rights-based activities, academic units of universities working on gender issues, professional organizations, trade unions and municipalities.

How can I join Local Gender Equality Monitoring Platforms?

If you are in one of the target groups active in our project provinces you can be included in the Local Gender Equality Monitoring Platform in your province on behalf of your organization. You can contact our project team on this. Please click for communication details. click

In which thematic areas are there mapping and monitoring reports?

Under the Project mapping and monitoring reports were prepared in the following fields: Access to Religious Services, Education, Trafficking in Human Beings/Women, Employment, Violence against Women, Participation to Political Decision-Making, Access to Urban Rights and Services, Media, Access to Health Services, Sports, Gender Equality in the Disciplines of Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Gender Equality in Income-Poverty and Social Justice, Gender Equality in Access to Justice, Women Refugees and Gender Equality, Masculinity and Gender Equality, Climate Change, Rural Areas and Gender Equality, Violence and Harassment at Workplaces and Gender Equality, Public Spending and Gender Equality, Gender Equality in Arts, Disaster Risk Management and Gender Equality.

How and where can we reach mapping reports?

The mapping reports can be accessed through CEİM e-library.CEİM e-kütüphaneclick.

Which headings do training materials cover?

The following are the training materials developed under our project and their authors:

  1. Basic Concepts in Gender Equality (Author: Yıldız Ecevit - Supervisor: Gülay Toksöz)
  2. Norms and Standards in Accessing Gender Equality (Authors: Zeynep Alemdar, Evra Çetin - Supervisor: Serpil Sancar)
  3. Strategies and Policies in Standing against Gender Inequalities (Author: Serpil Sancar - Supervisor: Gülay Toksöz)
  4. Gender-Sensitive Data and Indicators (Authors: İlknur Yüksel Kaptanoğlu, Hilal Arslan, Oğuzhan Akyıldırım - Supervisor: Şemsa Özar)
  5. Approaches and Techniques in Gender-Sensitive Rights-Based Monitoring, Planning and Budgeting (Authors: Gökçe Bayrakçeken, Ayça Kurtoğlu, Ulaş Bayraktar, Ayşegül Yakar Önal - Supervisors: Serpil Sancar, Özgün Akduran, Burcu Yakut Çakar)
How can I reach training materials?

Training materials are being developed. They can be accessed through CEİM e-library when completed. CEİM e-kütüphane click

In which areas do you deliver trainings?

Online trainings for building information and awareness in gender-sensitive rights-based monitoring are open to users through the CEİM training portal. click

Who are the participants to trainings? Can I join training programmes?

The participants to trainings under the CEİDizler Project include representatives from civil society organizations engaged in gender equality and rights-based activities, academic units of universities working on gender issues, professional organizations, trade unions and municipalities. You can contact our project team for detailed information about trainings. Please click for communication details. click.

When will application to the grant programme start?

Applications for the grant programme are closed in June, 2024. You can follow our website and social media accounts for detailed information.


What is CEİM?

The CEİM is an important source of reference in gender equality and rights-based monitoring created for the purpose of extending information and gender-sensitive data serving to the promotion of gender equality to civil society activists, experts, academics and independent researchers through a single platform.

What are CEIM’s components?

E-library, data portal, online training portal and expert pool.

What is CEİM e-library?

click,The CEİM e-library is an online source provided to all those interested where update data on rights-based monitoring, gender equality and human rights are regularly entered.

How can I reach CEİM E-library?


How is CEİM E-Library used?

You can follow the guide and introductory video for detailed information. Access:

What is CEİM Data Portal?

It is an online data portal which offers access to data related to monitoring indicators developed under the CEİD-İzler project and tools for reporting and visualizing these data.

How can I reach CEİM Data Portal?

For access: http://veriportali.ceid.org.tr

What is CEİM Training Portal?

It is an online training portal containing documents on gender-sensitive rights-based monitoring and training materials developed under the project.

Can I get a participation certificate after completing online trainings at CEİM Training Portal?

Training certificate under our project is given only in interactive trainings.

How can I reach CEİM Training Portal?

For access: http://onlineegitim.ceid.org.tr

What is CEİM Pool of Experts?

It is an online instrument bringing together experts in gender equality monitoring with indicators and organizations that need these experts.

How can I reach CEİM Pool of Experts?

For access: http://uzmanhavuzu.ceid.org.tr

Can I join the Pool of Experts?

If you have your experience and training in rights-based monitoring and/or gender equality you can send your cv to cinsiyetesitligiizlemedernegi@gmail.com

Funded by the
European Union.